Archive No longer fit for purpose–time to change the GBS organization construct Deborah Kops, Lately, I’ve been sleepless about the fact that GBS evolution appears to…Deborah KopsAugust 1, 2023
ArchiveLatestModelsViewpoints Discover a New Value Driver for Global Business Services (GBS) Benefits of a GBS model are many: reduced cost, leveraged technology, integrated processes end to…Deborah KopsJuly 25, 2023
LatestViewpoints Blueprint or Wallpaper: The Challenges of Selling Your GBS Strategy to the Team Blueprint or wallpaper: how is your team seeing your global business services (GBS) strategy? Your…Deborah KopsJuly 9, 2023
ArchiveLatestModelsViewpoints Could Corporate Marketing be the Hidden Goldmine GBS Organizations Are Missing Out On? For GBS organizations seeking to increase scope and scale, corporate marketing is an alluring target.…Deborah KopsJune 6, 2023
ArchiveLatestViewpoints Be Like a Duck. But Below the Surface, You’d Better Paddle Like Hell GBS transitions ideally appear calm as a duck on water. But below the waterline, the…Deborah KopsApril 19, 2023
LatestViewpoints New Leaders, Beware the Savior Syndrome The new transformational leader rides in on a white horse to make a mark on…Deborah KopsApril 3, 2023
ArchiveModelsViewpoints Trouble Ahead: Hazardous Waters for GBS and Shared Services GBS and shared services are susceptible to executive whim and short memories. Are you ready…Deborah KopsJanuary 19, 2022
ArchiveCareersLatestTalent Crossing the Chasm: Why is it so hard to move from BPO to GBS leader? With GBS talent is in short supply, discounting BPO talent limits options. Moving from BPO…Deborah KopsSeptember 7, 2021
ArchiveLatestResourcingTalent What’s your GBS and Shared Services management persona? Getting the right fit in management persona -- intentional style, approach, and level of engagement…Deborah KopsJune 16, 2021
ArchiveLatestOrganizationResourcingTalent Easy come, easy go: the pleasures and pitfalls of poaching service delivery teams Wholesale recruitment in the form of poaching teams from other delivery centers—both captive and provider—is…Deborah KopsJune 8, 2021