Archive Is the retained accounting team comfortable with shared services and outsourcing Not too long ago I was having a conversation with one of our industry’s leading…Deborah KopsNovember 12, 2012
Archive Looking from the outside in Recently it dawned on me that sourcing industry is pursuing a great game of navel…Deborah KopsNovember 9, 2012
Archive Likeability: a success factor for sourcing leaders? The slog-em-out that characterized this year’s American presidential race surfaces the question of likeability. Was…Deborah KopsNovember 7, 2012
Archive 2012 Talent Management in a Shared Services World This ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) report provides results from one of the…Deborah KopsNovember 5, 2012
Archive Avoid Classic Change Management Mistakes Change management is often cited as the biggest impediment to successful shared services and outsourcing…Deborah KopsNovember 5, 2012
Archive CFO Perspective on SSO models This infographic presents a CFO perspective on the adoption of finance shared services and outsourcing…Deborah KopsNovember 5, 2012
Archive Finance Leaders on Sourcing Success This report presents findings from a groundbreaking global ACCA study, using data powered by HfS…Deborah KopsNovember 2, 2012
Archive Meta Leadership is Key to Sourcing Change You probably haven’t heard of meta-leadership. And I confess I had not until I happened…Deborah KopsNovember 2, 2012
Archive PEOPLE: The Make or Break of Offshoring or Outsourcing Presentation: PEOPLE: The Make or Break of Offshoring or Outsourcing Learn More...Deborah KopsOctober 2, 2012
Archive Creating a Perfect Storm–How Do You Manage Change in a Global Implementation Presentation: Creating a Perfect Storm--How Do You Manage Change in a Global Implementation? Learn More...Deborah KopsOctober 2, 2012