Archive Luck o’ the Irish Outsourcing Leaders Not too long ago I met an Irishman named Coleman O’Flynn at an outsourcing transformation conference.…Deborah KopsMarch 15, 2013
Archive Making an outsourcing relationship better: that’s above my pay grade There seems to be a trend going on amongst outsourcing client types. It’s called…Deborah KopsMarch 12, 2013
Archive Outsourcing industry—where’s your voice post Delhi? It’s been over two months since the brutal rape that left a 23 year old…Deborah KopsMarch 5, 2013
Archive The Religion of Outsourcing “Outsourcing is a religious decision. You either believe in it or you don’t.” So…Deborah KopsFebruary 28, 2013
Archive Farewell to the founding fathers (of the outsourcing variety) There’s been a little-remarked upon trend going on over the last few years—the retirement of…Deborah KopsFebruary 20, 2013
Archive “Call me maybe”– sales approach at outsourcing conferences? Now I’m not always current on the latest pop (for me, the zenith of pop…Deborah KopsFebruary 14, 2013
Archive Outsourcing Relationships: Not Puppy Love I’ve been obsessed about what constitutes a good outsourcing relationship for some time. Whenever I…Deborah KopsFebruary 13, 2013
Archive Shared services and outsourcing: Aren’t we just moving the deck chairs around? If you think about our efforts to transform business functions through shared services and…Deborah KopsFebruary 10, 2013
Archive Legal: The Hardest Profession to Make Outsourcing Change? The last bastion against outsourcing? Recently I sat down with Ed Brooks of the LPO Program…Deborah KopsFebruary 5, 2013
Archive Global Business Services at the Top Table? Servants don’t dine with their employers! Over the past few weeks, it seems as if everyone is talking GBS, GBS, GBS.…Deborah KopsFebruary 4, 2013